Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth the Price of Admission? My Opinion

Wealthy Affiliate, a renowned name in affiliate marketing is an expansive program to train affiliate marketers. It aims towards those who are new to affiliate marketing and wants to gradually build a career on it. At the same time, they claim to offer something to advanced and experienced affiliate marketers as well. However, their pricing remains a matter of concern.

Wealthy Affiliate - Transform Your Idea into ProfitsWealthy Affiliate Review
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Owners: Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim
Price: $0 – Starter
           $49/month – Premium
           $495/year – Premium Yearly
           $995/year – Premium Plus
Recommended?: Yes

Whether the price of enrolment in their courses is worth it or not depends on your expectation. If you are thinking of it as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, this is not for you. Wealthy Affiliates aim to provide aspiring affiliates with the necessary knowledge required to start off their online business and prosper.

Pricing of their courses, numerous reviews online, achievement in contrast to expectation, etc. all of these factors come into play when determining whether this is the right one for you or not. I am going to explain all of these factors in detail to make it easy for you to decide. I suggest you read this writing till the end to infer, Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It or not. 

Wealthy Affiliate: Price and Packages 

Wealthy Affiliates claim that they have something to offer for everyone. Whether you are just a beginner or a bona fide affiliate marketer, they have a place for you. Whether their claims are true or untrue remains up for debate, but their pricing reflects the claim, starting from free membership, Premium – $49/month, Premium Yearly – $495/year. In 2020 they had added Premium Plus – $995/year, with more classes available. There is something for everyone.

1. Starter: Beginner Package

The free membership is named ‘starter’, which can be considered as a free trial. With this package, they let you build one website. They also grant you limited access to their training facility but no class facility. This membership lets you access certification training and Bootcamp training, but they are limited to level one only.

One of the most important requirements of affiliate sites is keywords. Accurate keywords are requisite to your website ranking high in the search list. With the Starter package, you can use the renowned keyword researching website, Jaaxy but only the free services. No Premium Jaaxy membership is included in the starter package.

2. Premium: Intermediate Package

The intermediate package, named the Premium, costs $49 per month or $495 per year at a discounted rate. It offers a lot more than the starter package. First of all, you get unlimited support, unlike the starter package, which only gives 7 days of support. Also, more than fifty online classes throughout the year are taken to guide you through this venture.

The premium membership offers a Jaaxy lite membership, which is super beneficial for affiliate marketers. Additional levels of certification training and Bootcamp training with tons of other features like DDoS protection, free certificate, etc., really make it a sweet deal.

3. Premium Plus: Advanced Package

The most expensive one, the Premium Plus charges a whopping $99 per month or $995 per year. It comes with superior facilities as well. All levels of training, 50 websites, more than 200 classes per year are some of the worth mentioning. Also, services like host owned domains and more than a million views per month make this package lucrative.

What You Get from These Packages

Now let’s come to the potential of these packages. The starter package is like a taster. You can build a simple website using a free website builder, free hosting, and that’s pretty much it. These websites are nowhere near an affiliate website. These sites don’t rank in search engines, and you can’t put an ad on them. The starter package is designed to convince you that you need to get a paid package.

As for the Premium and Premium Plus membership, they have a lot to offer to their subscribers. Not that you can get rich instantly, but they teach you the know-how of getting rich by affiliate marketing. For starters, the $49 per month price tag may seem a bit irrational. But once things get going, you are highly likely to forget what you spent initially.

Wealthy Affiliate Subscription Packages
Wealthy Affiliate Subscription Packages

Wealthy Affiliate Strong Points

Wealthy Affiliate has some good qualities that can make up for all the negative sides we have discussed above. The main two reasons that they have come this far and still going is that they are not a scam, which is obvious. The second thing is that they got something to offer to the affiliates. To be more specific, the new affiliates.

• Honesty is The Best Policy

A good thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that their trainers highly emphasize honesty. Surely you can pick a product and write all the good things about it on your affiliate site and entice people to buy it. But that shouldn’t be the way, and the Wealthy Affiliate actively tries to tell you about the virtues of honesty. This is easily one of the highly praised aspects of Wealthy Affiliate.

What highly reflects their honesty is their SEO techniques. You can easily achieve high ranks by some exploits. But that is highly discouraged and is not taught anywhere in their lessons. It is moral and beneficial to do things by the book and not try to cut any corners. That is exactly what is taught in Wealthy Affiliate programs.

• Well Organized Training

Wealthy Affiliates training programs, both free and paid are manageable for anyone. Those who know stuff about the affiliate world should be a no-brainer, but even for beginners, these training programs are designed to be easily grasped. Plus, every lesson is finished with various tasks that give you a sense of achievement. You feel like you have learned something.

• Fundamentals of WordPress and Keyword

The two key components of affiliate marketing are building a good website and knowing your keywords. Wealthy Affiliate’s free package does the job of keyword research pretty well. It includes the starter pack for Jaaxy, the top-notch keyword researcher available on the internet. Jaaxy is highly admired by many affiliate marketers so the inclusion of it is a positive side.

The second component, building a good website is also included in this package. They teach you the basics of WordPress. WordPress is free to install and use, it has thousands of plugins and is used by millions of websites in the world. Wealthy Affiliates free program teaches you the fundamentals of WordPress which is useful.

• Beginner Friendly

For newbies who know nothing about affiliate marketing, their starter package has some great deals to offer. Those are hardly enough but considering that you are a new face in this sector, the contents of the starter package should suffice. The elementary knowledge about affiliate marketing should be easy to gain if you are committed.

Finally, every lesson includes at least one video tutorial, which drastically increases their efficacy. Motion pictures are known to be a more effective learning process than plain texts. That is why live class or video tutorials are used worldwide. Wealthy Affiliates haven’t forgotten that and stayed focused to help the beginners the best way possible.

Wealthy Affiliate: Worth It or Not?

Wealthy Affiliate Features You Need to Succeed
Wealthy Affiliate Features You Need to Succeed

As I stated earlier, the Wealthy Affiliate may or may not be worth it depending on your expectation. It is not a ‘get rich fast’ scheme, even though they sound like it. What they offer is some of the very basics of affiliate marketing. They give you the elementary knowledge to start earning money by affiliate marketing, nothing more.

As for the premium packages, they offer a bit more than the free one. They offer extensive training and web hosting services that cost a lot more than the package price. You can build a website that works just right as an affiliate website. Even then, you will have to wait for traffic to your website for you to start earning.

You will see some claims like building a fully operational and profit ready website in less than a minute. You have to keep in mind that it is never possible. They do give you a website, but that is nowhere near what an operational and profit ready website is supposed to be. If you plan on becoming rich from broke in 30 seconds, you will be disappointed.

You will have to keep evolving with every update of Google and other search engines. Search algorithms keep changing, so you will have to keep pace. Proper SEO is the key to success in affiliate marketing. That’s what you will have to focus on. Wealthy Affiliate sites claim to be on top after every search engine update. That’s not the case. That’s never the case.

If you opt for a Wealthy Affiliate only to make money fast, that’s not your fault because their claims suggest so. But as you are reading this article, know what you are in for. Making money isn’t easy, and it takes time, effort, and perseverance. Ignore everything false claims they make and know what they offer. Try to grasp that and make something of it with your wit.

You can get the basics of WordPress website building and keyword research, which should help you a lot at the beginning of your affiliate career. Keep researching and learning about the ins and outs of Google ranks, search engine algorithms, and how to optimize them, etc. to stay on top. Their paid packages help experienced marketers more than new ones. You can try those.

Wealthy Affiliate has its affiliate program. Most of the affiliates from Wealthy Affiliates earn money from this. This may sound like a pyramid scheme but it’s not. If you can convince someone that Wealthy Affiliates packages are good and will help them, you will get a commission on their purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with it.

If you plan on choosing your niche and build a unique website, a Wealthy Affiliate may disappoint you. Their goal is to sell their packages to new affiliates through you. It’s a win-win for both Wealthy Affiliates and you and other members to come. You cannot paint it wrong because those packages do offer something. 

So, it’s safe to say from the above discussion that if you want to make money quickly and out of nowhere, and think of the Wealthy Affiliate as a magic chest, their packages are not worth it. Even if it’s one dollar or two. If you have a mindset to learn whatever you can and utilize them, the price seems worth it in my opinion. Because nothing is free, no knowledge is either.

How Do You Get the Best Out of Wealthy Affiliates?

As far as your success is concerned with the Wealthy Affiliate, you will have maintained a systematic approach. You will have to attain everything that will achieve something and leave everything that might cost you things. Sign up for their free course, and just learn what they are teaching without any complaints.

Once you know the know-hows of affiliate marketing, you don’t have to necessarily buy their paid courses. Explore things a little bit. Gain the knowledge and information, mix it with information from other sources, and amplify it. You don’t have to be stuck in a choke point.

They also give a $19 deal for the first month. So, if you think the free option was not enough, you can explore a bit further, and then make a decision later if you want to sign up for monthly or yearly membership or not.

Choose a niche that will not fade out soon. Make sure you know things about it, you are interested in it, and you got people around you who know stuff about the niche. Keep writing engaging articles with accurate keywords. You can use the free Jaaxy keyword research tool that comes with the starter membership. 

Don’t focus on multiple niches, as it will dilute your focus. Choose one niche and stick to it. You will see others succeeding with other niches that will tempt you but do not fall for it. Just keep in mind that you know your niche the best. Wealthy Affiliate paid packages training programs do an excellent job of educating you about how to choose the right niche.

Always promote the right product even if it’s not popular. Provide valid information and how the product shall help the buyer. Stay focused on providing information rather than selling products. If you can engage with your readers in the right way, your affiliate site will succeed. All of these are explained in explicit details in their premium and premium plus package.

Last but not least, a Wealthy Affiliate has an excellent affiliate program. You can always sign up for it and earn some legit money. You know why you bought their paid programs. Just convey this information positively to new affiliate marketers and earn commissions out of every purchase they make.

Common Misunderstandings About Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate market themselves in a way which might be misinterpreted by many. After their initial success in the first few years, things have dialed down a bit. But No way, this makes them a scammer. Various websites criticize them falsely, but if you are discreet enough, their claims should seem fairly valid.

Wealthy Affiliate claim to be the highest-ranked affiliate program, have the highest rate of success, and their affiliates are always at the top of Google search. Also, their domains are the top-ranked. With some independent research, you can clearly see that they are way ahead of any other affiliate programs on the market.

Most of the training components may seem haphazard as of late. If someone claims that wealthy affiliate training is obsolete, they are clearly saying it from their perspective. From what I have seen, the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, which is universal and evergreen is taught there with utmost importance.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification Levels 1-5
Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification Levels 1-5

People often think wealthy affiliates have a pyramid scheme or multi-level marketing, which it’s clearly not. The Wealthy Affiliate is supposed to be guiding affiliate marketers to a goal and teaching them how to reach that goal. Plus, they are giving opportunities to new affiliates to earn through their own affiliate program, which is pretty great.

Their free package can confuse new affiliates, but it’s due to their lack of experience. They say that with the starter package you can instantly build a profitable website in less than a minute. It is true, and from little experience, anyone will realize that you need things like plugins, own domains, etc., to make an affiliate site functional.

It is advertised in such a way to inspire affiliates. If someone misinterprets it due to a lack of experience, you cannot blame it on wealthy affiliate authorities.

Furthermore, you will hear all sorts of fuss about Wealthy Affiliate. My advice is to actively try to avoid those. It was at the peak of its success a few years back, and that may not be the case right now. 

Some were saying their classes were outdated. It was true. I say it was, because this rumour is not relevant anymore. In the past, I went through the training twice. I was not too happy that they did not do too much with upgrading their classes. Did I still find a value? Yes. 

But they knew they needed a change. In 2020, Wealthy Affiliate team upgraded their website and also started bringing the classes up to date. So, they’re moving forward because they are for the long run.

All these positive points show us that they are neither a scam nor a pyramid scheme, so you can still make something out of it.


Wealthy Affiliate Feedback

Wealthy Affiliate took everyone by storm after its launch in 2005. People started investing in it, and they didn’t disappoint. Revenues were being generated, and opportunities were yielding. They have dialed down lately, which is a matter of disappointment for many of its admirers. Plus, there is always a lot to learn when investing in something.

Wrong expectations can lead to catastrophe. Wealthy Affiliate is no exception. I dissected almost everything you need to keep in mind before joining a Wealthy Affiliate. 

This is an honest review, who knows the platform and how it works. I have tried different well known training programs. But Wealthy Affiliate is like my home. It has got everything I need for building online business. Wealthy Affiliate has helped me, who did not know anything about SEO, affiliate marketing, keyword research, etc. And it’s not just me. There are thousands of others who are benefited from WA passive online income trainings!

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate say that more training, more live classes, more research tools, new ways to earn money, etc. are coming. It means they are moving forward, not backward.

As for your question “Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?”, I would say if you can hold the horses of your expectations and know what you are signing up for, a Wealthy Affiliate is worth it.


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